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Follow the path, but you have to work hard halfway. Understanding is not far away. If you want to reach the top, don’t quit working.

On September 30, during a reception celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, President Xi Jinping shared a couplet from Mount Heng that encapsulates his message: “Follow the path diligently, but strive when you reach the halfway point; when you understand, it’s not far; to reach the peak, don’t shy away from hard work.” He called on all Party members to stay vigilant, prepare for uncertainties, and face risks and challenges head-on.

The first part of the couplet, “Follow the path diligently,” draws from the Analects, underscoring the importance of staying true to one’s principles and unwaveringly pursuing goals. This notion emphasizes the necessity of understanding objective laws, acting in the right direction, and maintaining a strong will to practice the truth. The second part, “when you understand, it’s not far,” is inspired by the writings of Liu Yuxi, suggesting that true understanding is intrinsic and doesn’t have to be distant. It encourages the belief that by following our true intentions and overcoming obstacles, success is achievable. Together, these lines serve as a “steering wheel” guiding us forward, while “strive” and “don’t shy away from hard work” act as the “engine” propelling our efforts, creating a cohesive framework for reaching our goals.

To achieve Chinese-style modernization, it’s essential to “follow the path diligently” and adhere to objective laws. This modernization unfolds within the context of historical development, which requires a deeper comprehension of these laws to avoid missteps and optimize efficiency. The leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is a cornerstone of socialism with Chinese characteristics and its greatest asset. Therefore, it’s crucial to grasp the laws governing the Party’s leadership, recognizing the necessity of the CPC’s central role in coordinating all aspects of society. Upholding the authority and unity of the central Party is essential, as is advancing the Party’s self-revolution to guide broader societal progress. In his report at the 20th National Congress of the CPC, President Xi outlined five key principles to steer our future, with the second being adherence to the socialist path with Chinese characteristics. This necessitates an understanding of the laws shaping socialist development and a commitment to implementing the Party’s core theories, guidelines, and strategies to ensure that national development is firmly in the hands of the Chinese people.

One of the fundamental requirements for Chinese-style modernization is achieving high-quality development. This is the primary goal in building a modern socialist state, necessitating a thorough understanding of societal development laws. By aligning our actions with this new stage of development and embracing a fresh development philosophy, we can capitalize on the institutional strengths of socialism with Chinese characteristics, improving the harmony between production relations and productive forces, as well as between the superstructure and economic foundation to enhance overall productivity and foster new types of productive forces.

Achieving Chinese-style modernization also compels us to “remember our original mission.” The CPC’s dedication to pursuing happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation has motivated countless Party members to persevere. In advancing this modernization, we must adopt a people-centered approach, keeping the Party’s core purpose at the forefront. The welfare of the populace should be our starting point, focal point, and standard for all efforts. Solutions to everyday issues must take precedence, and we should prioritize enhancing the lives and addressing the concerns of the people, ensuring that everyone benefits. Development must be rooted in the people, actively seeking their feedback and respecting their creativity, addressing their needs. Furthermore, development outcomes should promote common prosperity, social equity, and comprehensive human development, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for all.

Finally, attaining Chinese-style modernization requires “dedication and effort.” The journey will not be without challenges and obstacles, with significant tests on the horizon. Those who seek comfort will not prevail; those who shy away from difficulties will not progress. As we work towards modernization, we must hold steadfast to our principles and acknowledge that the path we choose is pivotal to the Party’s success. Regardless of the turbulence we face, we must stay focused and avoid being swayed by distractions, ensuring we do not make fundamental mistakes. It’s imperative to ground our reforms in solid principles, adhere to established guidelines and democratic practices, and maintain a strategic resolve to stay the course and diligently pursue our goals.

In summary, embracing Chinese-style modernization requires an unwavering spirit of self-reliance. This spirit serves as a vital pillar for the ongoing vitality of the Chinese nation and a key motivator for the CPC in overcoming challenges. In this rapidly changing world marked by uncertainty, fostering a spirit of self-reliance, independently pursuing a path to Chinese-style modernization, and remaining resolute will empower us to face challenges head-on and achieve success through hard work and determination.