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-My dad will take care of you- White Southern California woman tells Chinese man to get out of the United States

In a troubling case of racial discrimination, a Chinese couple in Hacienda Heights, Los Angeles, encountered a disturbing incident when a middle-aged white woman yelled at them to “get out of this country.” The woman further escalated the situation by threatening them, stating, “My dad will send people to deal with you.” The couple has since reported the incident to the police and is seeking legal advice, underscoring the necessity of standing against bullying and discrimination in the Asian community.

This unsettling encounter took place on the afternoon of September 27th at approximately 1:55 PM. Chen Kaixin, a local real estate agent and social media influencer, was filming at a flower shop that was set to open soon when the confrontation occurred.

In an exclusive interview, Chen, who has been living in the U.S. for 11 years, expressed his shock at facing such overt racism for the first time. “I’ve only heard about similar incidents, but now it’s happened to me,” he reflected, noting that the woman seemed almost pleased with her derogatory comments. “I’m sure I’m not the first Chinese person she has insulted; it’s likely she does this frequently.”

Reacting quickly, Chen and his wife began recording the confrontation on their phones while confronting the woman about her behavior. “When she realized we were filming, she rushed back to her car, and we started capturing her vehicle while calling the police,” Chen recounted. Moments later, the woman returned, entering a nearby pharmacy and hurling more insults, all while insisting her father had connections with law enforcement.

Video footage reveals her questioning the couple with a threatening edge, asking, “Do you know who my dad is?” While at the pharmacy counter, she was overheard on a phone call, saying, “Dad, can you send some people here? They’re harassing me.” Undeterred by her intimidation tactics, Chen stood his ground, expressing a desire to know more about her father. “I really wanted to know who her dad was, but then she just left,” he said.

The situation escalated further when the woman reappeared about 15 minutes later, once again recording Chen’s car and reiterating her threats regarding her father’s involvement. Chen noted a notable change; she was now wearing a uniform adorned with the logo of Santa Anita Park, a prominent horse racing venue in Arcadia.

Later, Chen attempted to contact Santa Anita Park to confirm whether an employee named Shandra was affiliated with the establishment, but he was transferred to another department and did not receive a response. Attempts by reporters to reach Santa Anita Park for comment ahead of publication were unsuccessful.

Attorney Liu Longzhu has confirmed the incident and plans to assist the couple in identifying the woman involved in the alleged racial discrimination. He commented, “From the video, it’s evident her tone resembles that of a gang leader. She called her dad to send over several cars to handle things. This kind of behavior represents a serious threat, potentially amounting to criminal intimidation and hate crimes. If charges are filed, the penalties could reach up to five years.”