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Seize the golden period of nourishing the lungs in autumn! 3 kinds of food, 6 tips, just what your lungs need →

Interviewer: Today, we’re discussing the significance of lung health in the fall season. Can you explain why incorporating “white foods” into our diets is believed to benefit our lungs?

Expert: In traditional Chinese medicine, there’s a seasonal approach to nurturing different organs. Spring is for the liver, summer for the heart, fall for the lungs, and winter for the kidneys. The lungs are particularly delicate and can be affected by the dry air in autumn, especially for older adults. This dryness increases the risk of lung problems and can heighten the chances of infections as winter approaches.

Interviewer: That’s intriguing! Is there any validity to the claim that we should prioritize “white foods” during the fall?

Expert: Definitely! Several white foods are recognized for their positive effects on lung health. Three, in particular, really stand out. Can you guess which ones they might be?

Interviewer: I’m curious to hear your list!

Expert: First on the list is **Yam**. This nutritious food is valued in both culinary and medicinal contexts. Yams are rich in healthy fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and various active compounds. From a traditional standpoint, they have a sweet flavor and neutral quality, which benefit the lungs, spleen, and kidneys by nourishing and strengthening these organs. Just keep in mind that excessive consumption may lead to constipation due to its astringent nature.

Next is **Lotus Root**. This food is loaded with beneficial components such as polyphenols and polysaccharides. Raw lotus root has a cooling effect, making it helpful for clearing heat, moistening the lungs, and alleviating coughs. When cooked, it provides warmth that supports the stomach and kidneys while nourishing the blood. However, those with a cold constitution should avoid raw lotus root and should consider blanching it instead.

Finally, we have **Duck Meat**. Traditionally classified as sweet and cool, duck meat can nourish yin, clear heat, and eliminate dampness. However, like yam, it should be consumed in moderation by those with a sensitive digestion since its cooling properties might not be ideal for everyone.

Interviewer: Those are fantastic insights! How can we evaluate our lung health to ensure they’re functioning well?

Expert: It’s crucial because lung function often declines without noticeable symptoms. You can conduct a few simple self-assessments. For example, try climbing a few flights of stairs—if you find yourself winded after just two or three, that could be a sign of an issue. Another test is to see if you can extinguish a candle in one breath. Lastly, if inflating a balloon is challenging, it may be time to focus more on your lung health.

Interviewer: What practical tips do you have for maintaining lung health this fall?

Expert: Here are six effective strategies to consider:

1. **Optimal Breathing Time**: The hours between 7:00 and 9:00 AM are vital for lung care since lung function peaks then. Engage in aerobic exercises like running or brisk walking to strengthen your lungs.

2. **Hydration**: Staying well-hydrated is essential. Aim to drink 1500-2000 milliliters of water daily, ideally in small sips of lukewarm water to support lung health.

3. **Breathing Exercises**: Incorporate simple breathing techniques into your routine, such as alternating between blowing and inhaling sounds several times a day to enhance lung function.

4. **Laughter**: Laughing is surprisingly beneficial! It increases oxygen intake and boosts blood circulation, positively impacting every cell in your body.

5. **Acupressure**: Massaging the **Shizhe point**, known as the lung point, daily can help relieve coughs and sore throats.

6. **Physical Activity**: Engage in gentle exercises or routines that include coordinated movements and stretching to promote lung and skin health.

Interviewer: Those are excellent suggestions! Thank you for sharing your expertise. Any final thoughts for our readers?

Expert: Absolutely! Even small adjustments can lead to significant improvements in lung health. Encourage your family and friends to adopt these healthy practices together this fall, fostering a lifestyle that benefits everyone!